Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I should be sleeping...

I just read my cousin, Katie's blog about her year in New Zealand and I'm so amazed at how well she's handling it. Imagine moving all the way across the planet, in a place that is completely unlike anything you've ever known, for an entire year. She came out there with no car, no place to live, and no idea what she was getting herself into. She even left behind her boyfriend of two or so years to take up this opportunity of a lifetime. She's a highly talented animator and was offered a job out there to work on a show called Penguins of Madagascar...pretty cool. I like to brag about it to my friends on occasion. :-)

But anyways, reading about how she deals with loneliness and how much of an effort she makes to get settled really makes me feel a whole lot better about my situation of being homesick at college.  Being that Thanksgiving and Christmas are right around the corner, I'm missing being home more than ever but I've been doing as much as possible to keep my mind off of it. Not to mention I talk to my family everyday on the phone, and sometimes even get to skype with my dogs!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


So, I just looked over potential courses I could take for the Spring 2011 semester and here's the schedule I've come up with so far:

Monday & Wednesday
10-10:50 Excercise (like highschool gym all over again...)

Tuesday & Thursday
11-12:15 Intro. to Popular Music
12:30-1:45 English 1200
2-3:15 Media Writing (actually kind of excited about this)

have yet to determine my Friday schedule...if I'm lucky I'll have no classes on Fridays and have three-day weekends ;)

I'm pretty anxious for 11 am on Friday to roll around so I can finally pick these classes and get the times/teachers I'm hoping for.  This whole college thing has been quite an adjustment for me.  Unlike many of my friends, I have never moved before. I've also never been to sleep away camps and often got home sick at simple one night sleep overs when I was younger.  Some call it weakness, but I just say that I have lots of love for my family and can't bear to be away from them. :-) I have come home quite a lot in my months of being at college, and two or so days is never enough for me and leaves me heading back to school just as home sick as I was the week before.  I wish I could say that my freshmen year so far has been a crazy time full of parties and amazing memories but I have more fun when I come home then I do when I spend weekends at ECU.  I guess I'm just having high school withdrawal and will eventually grow out of it, and maybe having a relationship with a boy who's still in high school has effected the way I'm feeling.  All I know is, this feeling of homesickness is worse then anything I've felt before, possibly even heart break. 

As depressing as my last paragraph was, ECU has had it's fun moments for me, thanks to the friends I spend my time with down here.  My roommate, Nicole, and best friend, Melissa, are the people I spend most of my time with and they always make me feel better and bring me out of the dumps.  College is a big change for everyone and I know I'm not going through this alone.  I have a very tight-knit group of best friends (we go by the acronym CREAM which stands for Carly, Robyn, Emily L., Emily N., Ally, Melissa) and I have the comfort of talking to them anyday and anytime which certainly helps.  For the sake of my parents and the massive amounts of money they've put into my college education, I'm going to make a strong effort to really enjoy my time at ECU for the rest of the year.