Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I should be sleeping...

I just read my cousin, Katie's blog about her year in New Zealand and I'm so amazed at how well she's handling it. Imagine moving all the way across the planet, in a place that is completely unlike anything you've ever known, for an entire year. She came out there with no car, no place to live, and no idea what she was getting herself into. She even left behind her boyfriend of two or so years to take up this opportunity of a lifetime. She's a highly talented animator and was offered a job out there to work on a show called Penguins of Madagascar...pretty cool. I like to brag about it to my friends on occasion. :-)

But anyways, reading about how she deals with loneliness and how much of an effort she makes to get settled really makes me feel a whole lot better about my situation of being homesick at college.  Being that Thanksgiving and Christmas are right around the corner, I'm missing being home more than ever but I've been doing as much as possible to keep my mind off of it. Not to mention I talk to my family everyday on the phone, and sometimes even get to skype with my dogs!

1 comment:

  1. Hey beautiful!

    Aw wow! Thanks SO much for that post! That made me feel great that you feel that way about the trip I have just taken. :-) I definitely understand being homesick... trust me. I'm going through some of it on and off. It helps me (like last night walking home from the grocery store late) to just think about all of the good things that are happening. I may not love where I am living, but I do love the reason why I came here. So just thinking of the good parts ;-). you will be off of being homesick soon. It doesn't last forever. I know I will be.

    And thanks again so much, that just seriously made my morning to read that post from you. And you can brag as much as you want ;-).

    Keep writing in this. It helps me sometimes to just sit down and write how I am feeling. Its such a nice outlet, especially when you feel lonely ;-).

    Love you, and talk soon!
